Amy Billing earned her Master of Science in Social Administration at Case Western Reserve University in 2001, and attained her Bachelor of Arts in Health and Human Services from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1999. She has 18 years of experience managing large-scale research projects with specific expertise in developing cutting-edge drug testing panels for urinalysis, writing IRB and other applications to obtain approvals for urine testing studies, working with laboratories and drug testing programs across the country to obtain urine specimens for testing, analyzing drug testing/EHR data and writing reports to present these findings.
Currently, she is serving as the Co-I and Project Director for the national expansion of the Emergency Department Drug Surveillance (EDDS) system, funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Prior to this, she helped to develop and launch EDDS in Maryland as part of the MPowering the State Opioid Use Disorders Initiative. She also served as Co-I for the Community Drug Early Warning System (CDEWS) Project which tracked drug trends in criminal justice and public health populations and directed all five CDEWS studies. Prior to the CDEWS studies, she served as the Project Director for the precursor study, the Offender Population Urine Screening (OPUS) study, which conducted expanded testing of urines from parole and probation offices throughout the State of Maryland. She also provided oversight on the Drug Outbreak Testing Service (DOTS), part of the National Drug Early Warning System, assisting with the drug testing and reporting for this study.
Prior to joining CESAR, Ms. Billing served as the Assistant Institutional Review Board (IRB) Manager for the University of Maryland, College Park’s IRB and a Project Manager and researcher at the Public Health Informatics Research Laboratory at this same institution.