Background: More than 2,000 Marylanders have died from drug overdoses each year since 2016 (MDH Overdose Data Portal). The state has worked to address this crisis in many ways, yet there remains a substantial treatment gap. Approximately one in five people needing substance use treatment in Maryland receive treatment (NSDUH 2021-2022 State tables). Many need housing, employment, and other services necessary for long term recovery as well. One barrier is the lack of trained providers to treat the growing number of people who need care. In response, there has been a rapid expansion of the role of peer recovery specialists.
Project design: Our team is putting into practice the evidence-based peer models we have developed in research trials to better aid the community of Maryland peers working with residents with SUDs. We are tapping existing collaborations to address needs identified by peers participating in these projects.
Aims: We are convening a coalition of peers, researchers, and local health experts to inform and build a unique digital presence, the Maryland Peer Bridge, to link existing resources and centralize information with an eye to action. The objective is to fill existing information and training gaps identified by peers themselves, and expand the ability of peers to make connections, and receive support. We are integrating education, training, certification, employment, supervision, and other resources for access by a broad community of peers, and prospective peers. The Bridge is being shaped by peer leaders on our team, and key stakeholders, who have deep community connections and partnerships. Making connections to existing services, and filling identified gaps improves the likelihood that people in recovery can directly access support, complete peer certification training themselves, locate recovery friendly employers, and that certified peers receive the support they have requested.
Location: State of Maryland
Funding: UMD Do Good Campus Fund
Principal Investigators: Jessica Magidson, Erin Artigiani
Partners/collaborators: Voices of Hope, Reflection House, Mid-shore Behavioral Health, 3c Recovery Support Training, Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Maryland Peer Advisory Council, Maryland Addiction and Behavioral-health Professionals Certification Board
Opportunities: Staff and graduate students can be involved in the development of this new initiative, and future grant submissions.
CESAR Receives Grant to Create Digital Hub Serving Peer Recovery Specialists in Maryland
$460K Awarded to Faculty, Staff, Students From New Do Good Campus Fund